Billabong Pro Tahiti Completes Eight Heats in Shifting Conditions

Stop Nr. 3 von 10 der 2009 ASP World Tour, beim Billabong Pro Tahiti wurden die letzten 2 Heats der 1. Runde abgeschlossen und die ersten 6 Heats der 2 Runde gesurft.

"It was definitely a struggle out there today and I wasn't very happy with what the weather was doing," Luke Egan, Billabong Pro Contest Director, sagte. "The winds and swell were shifting quite a bit this morning which was frustrating, but the afternoons have been providing the best windows for running the contest so thankfully we were able to pick off a few heats at the end of the day."
Taj Burrow (AUS), 30, momentan auf Platz 7 der ASP Worldtour, holte an diesem Contesttag die höchste Wertung mit 15.33 von maximalen 20 möglichen Punkten, und schlug damit seinen Gegner und WT Rookie Marlon Lipke (DEU), 25, der in dem Heat 6.67 Punkte holte.
"I actually thought Marlon (Lipke) started out with a really good one and that made me pretty nervous," sagte Burrow. "I guess he wasn’t able to get deep enough and didn't really get the score though. After that, I just had to the ones that let me get in the tube long enough and was able to grab a couple of 7's so it turned out well for me."

Heat 15: Heitor Alves (BRA) 15.00 def. Michel Bourez (PYF) 11.00
Heat 16: Mick Campbell (AUS) 15.84 def. Roy Powers (AUS) 5.87

Heat 1: C.J. Hobgood (USA) 14.50 def. Phillip MacDonald (AUS) 0.77
Heat 2: Jay Thompson (AUS) 13.83 def. Jeremy Flores (FRA) 11.37
Heat 3: Kieren Perrow (AUS) 11.50 def. Tim Reyes (USA) 11.50
Heat 4: Taj Burrow (AUS) 15.33 def. Marlon Lipke (DEU) 6.67
Heat 5: Josh Kerr (AUS) 15.16 def. Fredrick Patacchia (HAW) 14.50
Heat 6: Michael Campbell (AUS) 13.66 def. Adrian Buchan (AUS) 10.84

Heat 7: Taylor Knox (USA) vs. Kai Otton (AUS)
Heat 8: Joel Parkinson (AUS) vs. Heiarii Williams (PYF)
Heat 9: Bede Durbidge (AUS) vs. Andy Irons (HAW)
Heat 10: Bobby Martinez (USA) vs. Dayyan Neve (AUS)
Heat 11: Adriano de Souza (BRA) vs. Dustin Barca (HAW)
Heat 12: Jordy Smith (ZAF) vs. Heitor Alves (BRA)
Heat 13: Kelly Slater (USA) vs. Aritz Aranburu (EUK)
Heat 14: Damien Hobgood (USA) vs. Dean Morrison (AUS)
Heat 15: Mick Fanning (AUS) vs. Ben Dunn (AUS)
Heat 16: Tom Whitaker (AUS) vs. Tim Boal (FRA)

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