Beachley gewinnt den Billabong Girls Pro Brazil

 Layne Beachley (mitte), Silvana Lima (links) und Jessi Miley-Dyer (rechts)
Layne Beachley (mitte), Silvana Lima (links) und Jessi Miley-Dyer (rechts)
ITACARE, BRAZIL (Saturday, August 26, 2006) – Layne Beachley (AUS) gewann gestern den Billabong Girls Pro. Beachley ist somit die Nr. 1 in der Wertung bei der ASP Women's World Tour – dies war ihr erster Sieg ei einem WCT Event seit 2003, als sie zum sechsten mal Weltmeisterin wurde.
beachley und 2 Lifeguards
beachley und 2 Lifeguards
Layne Beachley (AUS)
Layne Beachley (AUS)
"It was a fairy tale ending for me. I've worked so hard all week and I've been participating and making the call and hoping I'm doing the right thing,” sagte Beachley. “The conditions have been so challenging and then it all just fell into place for me in the final. It couldn't have happened any better and I'm really excited that I'm No. 1 in the world and made such great ground on Mel (Redman-Carr) – it's such an integral part of the year."

Beachley zeigte sich in Bestform und holte sich im Finale eine beeindruckende Wertung von 9.95 und 8.50. Damit katapultierte sich die sechsmalige Weltmeisterin zurück in die Gruppe der Welt besten Surferinnen.

"The insatiable winning thirst has come back," sagte Beachley. "It's been 18 months since I won an event and it hasn't really sunk in yet. I'm so excited; I can't remember what to do because it's been so long since I won. I'm just thrilled and relieved and so ready to party and drink as much Cachasca as I can."
"Layne (Beachley) got two really good scores right away," Miley-Dyer said. "When she pretty much got a 10, I went, 'Wow, heavy – anybody who can get a 10 in difficult conditions like this…well perhaps I'll just stay over here on my left while they finish the contest.'"
Jessi Miley-Dyer (AUS)
Jessi Miley-Dyer (AUS)
Die 19. jährige Jessi Miley-Dyer ist als Rookie erstemal in ein Final der ASP Women’s World Tour eingezogen.

"I still had a little bit of hope that I could pull it off. Anything can happen in a heat," meinte Miley-Dyer. "It's always hard when someone has a 9.95 and an 8.50 to come from behind and beat them but I was just having fun out there. I've already qualified via the WQS, so I didn't have any pressure and I think that really showed in the event. Everywhere else I've been knocked out in the third round and then here I make a final."
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